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The power of mouthwatch at every chair

See. Show. Treat. Repeat.

Get the case acceptance boosting cameras fellow clinicians are talking about.

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“ROI on the camera can be achieved with literally one photo…. If you can salvage one denied claim because of your camera, it will pay for itself.”

J.S., DMD, Arizona
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“Though I didn’t know it when I got them, the image quality is better than my previous intraoral camera — which cost about 4X as much. When a device is immediately available to use vs. having to find it in another operatory, it gets used much more often. If you want your intraoral camera used for every patient, put one in every operatory.”

E.B., DDS, Michigan
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“Hygiene is taking photos of just about everything imaginable to help patients see and understand they need treatment. I’m using it for communicating to the lab with shades. Communicating to insurance companies with build ups and fractures for crown Tx. 90% of patients that see the pictures are accepting SRP and crowns. If each chair doesn’t have one you won’t take the time to unplug it and plug it back in. When it’s handy you’ll use it.”

J.M., DDS, Ohio
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“My camera is my #1 must have tech item. I can tell people about their dental problems all day and not get a lot of buy in. I can show them an image and that alone will cause the patient to want to take immediate action.”

J.E., Director of Dental Hygiene, Omaha
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“We wanted something that was simple and integrable with our Dexis system without requiring a license. Being able to have a clear and pristine image to explain and show decay and other dental conditions to the patient helps better understanding — and higher treatment acceptance.”

K.F., DDS, Florida
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“We have over 20 cameras with MouthWatch. We love them.”
Aaron Brummer, CEO | Cedar Valley Dental, Cedar Falls, IA

Take your new MouthWatch camera for a spin

See how your new MouthWatch camera enhances patient experience and helps patients see more clearly why they need treatment. If you are not 100% satisfied, return within 30-days for a complete refund.